Investment Advisory

Investment advisory is another of our renowned areas of expertise.

If this service is selected, we will provide you with portfolio advice and trading recommendations, with you authorizing the execution of the desired transaction(s). All decisions regarding the investment of the assets and proceeds, particularly the execution of transactions, in the respective account reside with you.

The investment advisory service is designed for clients who would like their account to be holistically managed but still wish to be involved in every investment decision.

You retain us to provide portfolio advice and trading recommendations based on our knowledge and understanding of the financial markets and the available investment opportunities known to us when recommendations are made and based on your investment profile. We execute transactions for your account and at your sole risk, but only with your prior consent and approval.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may act without the consent of you to carry out transfers between any sub-account contained in the account, in the event that a sub-account has a negative balance (i.e. as a result of fees charged by the custodian).


The information offered on this website represent marketing material pursuant to Art. 68 of the Swiss Financial Services Act. The products, services, information and documents presented on this website may not be available to persons residing in certain countries. All products and services presented on this website are intended for information purposes only and are not intended as an offer, or a solicitation of an offer, to buy or sell any investment instrument.

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